Ethiopia is a country that is located in the horn of Africa. This place is officially known as the Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia. . This happens to be the second most populated country in Africa. Ethiopia has a population of about seventy nine million. It is the tenth largest country in the African Continent. The capital of this country is Addis Ababa.  The Ethiopian country has Sudan to the west and Somalia to the east. Eritrea lies to the north and Kenya lies to the south.

Ethiopia has been an independent nation since ancient times even though most African counties got their independence quite recently. This is one of the oldest countries that exist in today’s world.  This country has been a monarchy for a long time now. The dynasty here in Ethiopia has been functional since the second century BC. This country has some of the oldest sites known to scientist today. This place offers information regarding some of the oldest traces of the human race.

When the Berlin conference was held, Ethiopia was one of the only two countries that retained its independence while many other parts of Africa were divided up by the many European powers. Ethiopia was also one of the country countries of the League of Nations. Although this country was occupied by the Italian for a while, it became a charter and flag bearing members of the United Nations.

Addis Ababa became the main location where a lot of international organizations hold their meetings and conference regarding their decisions based on Africa. Also the colors of the Ethiopian flag have been incorporated into the flags of other countries here in the African continent.

There has been a lot of territorial reduction on the north and extension in the south of Ethiopia. This happened dude to the commercial integration and the conquests that took place in the region.  Emperor Menelik the second and Ras Gobena are two people who played a big role in this.

Addis Ababa is the Head quarters of the African Union and the Nile Basin Commission. Ethiopia is the founding member of the Non Aligned Movement and the G 77 organization of the Unity of Africa.  Ethiopia prides itself for have one of the strongest militaries in the whole of the African continent. This country has its own alphabets, its own time system and its own calendar as well.  This calendar is about eight years behind the Gregorian calendar.

The country has lot of contrasting attributes. It has many volcanoes as well as hot springs. This place is some of the largest mountains in the world. And it also has some of the lowest points in the world which is below sea level.

Sof Omas houses one o the largest caves in Africa which is located here in Ethiopia.  Dallol which lies at the northernmost part of the country is one of the hottest places on the earth. . The two largest ethic groups here are the Amhara and the Oromo. Apart from these there are about eighty different ethnic groups in this region.  These two ethnic groups speak in the Afro – Asiatic language. The country is known for its much rock built churches and it is also the place where the coffee bean was first originated.  This place is the top most coffee and honey producing countries in the whole of the African continent.

This place has historical ties to the world’s most famous Abrahamic religions.  Also Ethiopia is one of the first Christian countries in the world.  And it has also adopted Christianity as the official religion right from the fourth Century.

Erta Ale is an active basaltic shield volcano located in the Afar region of the north of Ethiopia. The volcano is surrounded by an area that lied below sea level this makes it one of the lowest volcanoes I the whole world.

The name Erta Ale mans Smoking Mountain. This is translated form hr Local language called afar, the southernmost tip over here is called ‘the gateway to hell’ this has recently been mapped by the BBC using the latest technology in the world of Three dimensional Laser mapping.

In the year two thousand five, the Erta Ale erupted and caused the deaths of about two hundred and fifty livestock and the people who lived nearby were all driven out without any choice. There was another eruption in the year two thousand and seven. During this, many people went missing and hundred of people had to evacuate the premises.

The Erta Ale is surrounded by regions that are dominated by the native Danakil people who are very unfriendly and this place has one of the worst terrains on the planet. Hence not much is known about the Erta Ale.

The Erta Ale has been recently shown in the movie that was released in the year two thousand and ten, ‘the clash of the titans’.  The Erta Ale is shown when Peruses travels toward the underworld.


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